
How to Make a Wood Slat Wall with Just 6 Tools from VITO

Adding wood slats to walls is an elegant way to introduce texture, style, and sophistication to your space. And with the right VITO tools, you can guarantee a professional, long-lasting finish. Below, we explain how to proceed every step of the process. VITO tools required: Drywall Sander Taping Knife Pole Sander Paint Sprayer Caulking Gun Digital Level Materials needed: Wood slats (slatted pan


VITO Launches E-commerce for Parts

New service now available for online purchase of spare parts for VITO machines. This is another step towards satisfaction and proximity to the brand's consumers and users, who now have the parts for the various machines quickly and easily available at  This platform is revolutionising the way consumers buy parts for their tools, offering a simplified and convenient


Tips for Looking After Your Lawn

Having a green and healthy lawn is a challenge for any brave. However, with dedication and knowledge about proper care throughout the year, it is possible to achieve and maintain this goal. The combination of knowledge, effort and the right tools is crucial. Here, we explore essential lawn care tips and highlight the best tools for every step of the process. Regular and Appropriate Mowing Frequen


Roadshow VITO

Wir wollen noch näher bei Ihnen sein! Jetzt können Sie verfolgen, wo der Roadshow jeden Monat sein wird! Von Nord nach Süd, in Portugal und Spanien, fährt der VITO Roadshow-Vorführwagen mit Entschlossenheit und Mut Kilometer um Kilometer zurück und bringt dabei die hervorragenden Maschinen und Werkzeuge von VITO! 🛠️ 🌍 Mit einem spezialisierten Team, das bereit ist, Ih


A Escolha Preferida dos Portugueses em Máquinas e Ferramentas há Quatro Anos Consecutivos

Pelo quarto ano consecutivo, temos a honra de receber o Prémio Cinco Estrelas e Escolha do Consumidor na categoria de Máquinas e Ferramentas 🌟🥇 Além desta satisfação enorme, este reconhecimento reforça o nosso compromisso contínuo de continuarmos a oferecer excelência em cada ferramenta produzida. Impulsionados pelo espírito de bravura,